Veneer Cutting Methods

The process of cutting the veneer from the log varieties depending upon the pattern desired, the log itself, where from the tree it's being cut, and even the type of tree. Patterns will be amazingly different with each cutting technique. Prior to being cut, the debarked logs will be soaked in hot water, or steamed for several days.

Plain Sliced (Flat Sliced Cut)

The slicing is done parallel to a line through the center of the log. A combination of “cathedral” and straight grain patterns result, with a natural progression of pattern from leaf to leaf.

Plain Slicing is the method most often used to produce veneers for high quality architectural woodworking.

Leaf width depends on log size and placement in flitch.


Quarter Sliced (Quarter Cut)

The slicing is made perpendicular to the annual growth rings of the tree. As a result, the individual leaves are narrow for many species. A series of stripes is produced, varying in density and thickness from species to species.


Rift (Rift Cut)

Rift Cut occurs at a slight angle from the radius of the flitch to minimize the ray flake effect that can occur in Oak (most often).


Thickness, length classes

The thickness of the veneers depends on the species of wood, the minimum width is 10 cm, the veneers are pressed and free of natural and technological defects.

Length specifications are:
  • L1(0,6– 1,00 m), L2(1,00-1,50 m), L3(1,55-2,05m) used for furniture;
  • L4 (2,10-2,55 m) used for doors and furniture;
  • L5(2,60 – 3,05 m), L6 (over 3,10 m) used for panels
The packaging of the veneers is suitable for fork-lift loading, wrapped in plastic. The veneers can be transported in high safety conditions on road as well as on water.
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